Jumat, 21 November 2008

Mendengarkan Efektif


According to the research is to listen to the way most people do in communicating. This important skill for domination, not because someone is rarely successful in the field of education, social, professional / career is determined by how many techniques they listen to the message delivered speaker. But often the limited time that you can absorb as many messages as possible in the time (effective). For that, there are some things you need to yan note that the message can be captured effectively in them: time: If you do not have the time to listen to better put somethingî bright than you listen with only half-hearted or compel the speaker to accelerate the conversation. Be prepared to listen: Do not medengarkanî with a number of ideas or reluctance to change, open yourself to receive the opinions of others. : centralizing your thoughts on theîNoting the good subject and the messages and provide feedback (feedback). mainîHearing ideas: Try your search for what became the core of the message delivered speaker. Listen to this "hidden": namely that things may not be saidî directly (verbal), but you can catch through non-verbal messages in the form of high-low tone of voice or visual signal-signal (face expression, movement body, hand signal, etc.) Be patient: Do not urgent that the speaker and theî intended meaning of the speaker before completing the conversation. Hilangkanlah tendency for you to assess what you hear (prejudice) before you hear all. î concentration: Do not keasyikkan by your own mind, I ignore other problems, centralizing your mind on the speaker and his message. react fairlyî against the speaker. If the speaker boring, focusing attention on the content of your message and avoid excessive reactions even if you do not like the speaker. react to a reasonable message: Tahanlah feeling you listen to all messagesî delivered speakers (do not laugh, cry, etc.). That is some "moment" that you can apply to listen effectively, so that you can capture the message delivered by a maximum.

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

wah pak eko jago bahasa inggris. in bahasa indonesia please...