Jumat, 21 November 2008


The Ulama 'Alim No doubt, the position of Islamic theologian in a place special. Because of their advantages in knowledge, people become role models. To provide enlightenment at the same time pioneer welfare. Especially in the middle of the wave of globalization, which covered cultural lunturnya permissive and moral values as at this time. Attendance ulama are needed. Messenger never exceed the stated position of ulemas expert worship, "Indeed, the superiority of the learned experts of worship such as prioritized in the month of the entire star. Indeed, the theologian is the heir to the Prophet. And indeed the Prophet did not inherit a dinar, not the Dirham, the only knowledge they inherit. And anyone who takes science, then indeed, he has to get the most part. "(Sahih hadith, No by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Tirmidzi, Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibban) Of course, not all ulama meet the criteria mentioned above. Because in reality many of the ulama of religious attitudes and behavior but does not reflect a wise. They tend to make people confused, which is still 'the public. Ulema in the category that includes word in the face of the ulama 'pi. Ulema who understand the science about religion, not just memorize. With kepahamannya able to possess the wisdom and solutions to the problems faced by the people. Not exactly exploit the advantages that are owned by the meraup profit or private groups. Moreover, dare to sell the verses of the Quran and al keulamaannya status for the position. Skill in speaking is not a measure in assessing the ulama 'pi. Because of that ability can be so precisely to create a so-free turn back the word appropriate personal desire. Significance of this was disclosed by Ibn Mas'ud ra .. "Surely you are in an era where the number of ulamanya very much and little khutbahnya carpenters, and surely will come a period of very many khutbahnya amount of carping but little ulamanya." Now we need a parson 'pi. That not only preach in a smart, but also understand the science and religion is able to apply to fakihan it in the real reality. To provide Keteladanan "Indeed, there have been in the (self) Messenger is a good example for us (is) for those who expect (Mercy) and God (arrival) and the Day of Resurrection, he mentions many of God." (Al-Ahzab [33]: 21) This nation is saturated with a speech without realization. Saturated with quote verses of God as a stop at the lip penyeru propaganda. The people need to keteladanan in the form of life. Until now, not many people see Islam as a solution. Allah clearly states that only Islamlah which can be a road to salvation for mankind, in the world and in the Hereafter. Even less is not Islam itself would not fully accept the teachings of Islam despite the da'i theologian and no stopping explain how the teachings of Islam's in it. The people need more evidence. They talked about who's in it is more Islamic. However, people who could be a good example may be limited. But the need for the ulama take part in providing evidence of the beauty of Islam with the behavior that they do to people on the other. "A 'ulama who practice without such lights burn himself." (HR. Dailami) One of human nature is affected and affect (yata-atsar of yu-atsir). So that most human behavior is influenced by the environment. Messenger reminded, "A person is dependent on how i religion. Therefore you should consider who become friends.. " In other word out of a Messenger who are friends with the seller of perfume and a pande friends with iron. Keteladanan is the most effective way of propaganda. And this is the example of the Prophet Muhammad. When the western nations to spread Islam with sword. But the sword is a keteladanan and akhlakul karimah. Sword that is able to overcome without hurt, humiliate and subjugate without achieve victory without a feel humiliated. Looking only light of God "A 'pi if willed by God's light, the knowledge he can be by everything, and if he intends to accumulate wealth, they will be afraid of everything." (HR. Dailami) 'Ulama of' holy places the light of God in the highest position in each of the basic behavior. They are no longer affected by the worldly temptations that will quell violent propaganda. They will not be able to be purchased by anyone and anything. Because the ulama, to borrow the term Buya Hamka, has terbeli. The God is with the price that is not half-hearted: Paradise! "Allah has bought from the believers themselves and their property by giving them to heaven." (At Taubah [9]: 111) Quite ironic if we now witness the many people who claim themselves as a theologian, or regarded as role models tend to compete busy contend worldly affairs. 'Ulama such instead of good for people, which occurred even vice versa. Messenger, have been about this. "Woe on my Ummah from the poor parson." (Judges HR.) In other word mentioned, "When you see a theologian mingle closely with the authorities know that he is a thief." (HR. Dailami) May Allah give bounty in the middle of this nation with a theologian to bring light into the darkness, to bring the words heard in the conversation, attitudes and behavior. "Indeed, the fear of God among His slaves, but theologian." (Faathir [35]: 28) Wallahu a'lam bi shawwab. Eko Triyanto Students Ma'had 'Ali bin Abi Talib UMY Chairman of the Forum Study of Islam and Science 'Remassa' Yogyakarta Email: eko_nomisyariah@telkom.net Phone: 085228170077 Address: Nanggulan Sendangagung Minggir Sleman 55,562

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